Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Peace... sweet peace. It really is indescribable. Today, the day after the election, and yet I am at peace. The weeks leading up to this, I've felt such highs and lows, and so many different emotions. I've worked with people who support the opposing candidate. Of course, I wanted my candidate to win. Who doesn't? Isn't that why we vote? To see our "person" win??

Yesterday, while working the election, God gave me the answer that I've been looking for. This is all in his plan. You see, no matter who rides on this boat, HE is the captain. HE is at the helm, and it is HE who leads me. He knew what the outcome would be even before the first vote was cast.

I've had many people tell me today that they are scared of what our future holds... I'm not. I know what my future holds, and it's so much more than what we have here on earth . As I settled in bed last night with the election hum drum in the background, I drifted off to sleep not knowing the final outcome.

I woke up at 3:30 am and immediatly tuned in for the results.. and as I sat watching and listening to the commentators.. an old sweet hymn came to mind.

Standing on the promises....

Thank you Jesus, thank you. Thank you for reminding me that even at 3:30 in the morning, while my precious family was sleeping, I can have peace in knowing that God's promises remain.

I will never leave you, nor forsake you.

Today, more than ever, I choose to stand on God's promises, anchor my soul in that Haven of Rest, and set my sights on the horizon because MY captain is behind the wheel, and he's leading me to my heavenly home.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Yay for your blog!

Tonight we sang "Wonderful
Peace", all verses. God's peace is amazing, how do people live without it?

I voted early and I missed cutting up with you all.

We love you & your family!